Formal education in Ghana has undergone a lot of changes and reforms in order to meet international standard and recognition. Second cycle education is a primitive factor that should and cannot be overlooked. Due to some circumstances, government under the administrative rule of His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo Addo decided to make secondary tuition free of charge, thereby implementing the free shs policy. The advantages of the initiated policy are as follows;
Students who are deprived have been neglected for a very long time leading to their failure in education which has hampered their progress and lives in general. During the previous years,many students were left home to their fate after completing junior high school due to economic hardship. These students could not afford admission fees, school fees and money to cater for themselves, thereby dropping out of school and becoming a burden to their families and the society at large. The implementation of the free shs policy has made education accessible to all. This good initiative has made it possible for every junior high school graduate who intends to further their education acquire basic life skills and knowledge, especially the students who are from low class families. There is an adage that says “What is good for the goose is equally good for the gander”, so, this policy has demonstrated equity and equality for all.
In the long run, the literacy and productivity rate of the country will increase because of the free shs policy. The policy will help a lot of learners to acquire an upgraded knowledge and understanding about themselves, the field they want to enter in future and the world they live in. The free shs policy will enable more learners to read,write and calculate, better than before. These will help the students to broaden their reasoning power and make them intelligent, responsible and well informed. Also, by the skills gained, it will pave way for job opportunities through which they will be able to produce goods and services to solve basic problems of the society. They will be able to take on jobs such as teaching, nursing, masonry, administration, carpentry, metal works and the likes. Income generated from these jobs can be used to cater for themselves and their families.
Unequivocally, the policy will lead to the general improvement of the standard of living of its beneficiaries. The free shs policy will enable a lot of students around the country to enjoy better educative and communication systems. The knowledge and skills gained will helps individuals to better themselves and improve the standard of living.
Despite the advantages of the free shs policy, it also has disadvantages which attract public outcry. The following are suggested measures to help improve the policy;
I suggest that the government must provide the necessary infrastructure for good teaching and learning. Education is not done in vacuum, therefore the government should make frantic efforts to ensuring that facilities such as dormitories, libraries, laboratories and classroom blocks are provided to facilitate teaching and learning in schools. This will aid in preventing congestion and diseases.
Enough teachers should be employed into the teaching field. The teacher is one of the most important elements in the educational process and is at the center of ensuring quality education. Therefore, the government through the Ministry of Education should do all they can to provide teachers with enough and requisite skills and knowledge.
Hardworking teachers must be rewarded to ensure that they are committed to their work and that they deliver their best. This will help to ensure that students pass well in their examination.
Most importantly, the government should invest more money into the free shs programme. The government must engage financial consultants and facilitators in drafting plans and finding ways to acquire a lot of money to support the policy. The policy should be advertised to attract investors to invest money and other into the programme to ensure its continuity.
Last but not least, provision of a well-structured system of schooling by the government is a way to improve the policy. The government through the Ghana Education Service should abolish the double- track system. Stakeholders of education and educationists in the country must deliberate on and bring up innovative ideas on a more convenient method of running the senior high school system. This will help increase the contact hours spent in school and help to achieve the desired goals by teachers.
I am of the utmost belief that if the suggestions given in this letter are considered and implemented, there would be a drastic improvement in the performance of students at the senior high school level and at large, the free shs policy.

By: Roselyn Osaah
Kumasi Anglican Shs
2C6, Conduah House