Socialite Efia Odo Reveals Her Desire for Marriage Amidst Past Doubts Ghanaian media sensation and socialite Andrea Owusu, popularly known...
Read moreThe wife of renowned Ghanaian Gospel musician Yaw Sarpong aired her grievances on Oyerepa FM's popular show hosted by Auntie...
Read moreIn the latest twist of the Medikal-Fella Makafui divorce saga, the Ghanaian rapper has publicly responded to his estranged wife's...
Read moreShortly after the enchanting union of Senegalese footballer Sadio Mane and his 'long-time' girlfriend Aisha Tamba, online discussions erupted regarding...
Read moreGhanaians were left in awe as Berla Mundi, the popular media personality, unveiled the surprising news of her wedding to...
Read moreDiana Asamoah’s Devotion to God's Work Takes Precedence Over Marriage While society often places emphasis on marriage renowned gospel musician...
Read moreBright Okpocha, popularly known as Basketmouth has announced indefinite separation from his wife, Elsie Okpocha. The couple have been together...
Read moreThe National Communications Officer for the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Sammy Gyamfi, is currently tying the knot with a lady...
Read moreFella Precious Makafui has, earlier today, written on his Twitter page that she is taking leave from social media until...
Read moreGospel Minister, Esther Smith has revealed that she left her previous marriage with Rev. Ahenkan Bonsu to prevent herself from meeting untimely...
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