In a dramatic turn of events, a bride and groom in Techiman survived a serious car crash on what was meant to be the happiest day of their lives. As they were en route to their wedding ceremony, their vehicle was involved in a severe collision with a truck.
The crash occurred when their car, carrying the bride, groom, and their bridal party, was struck by a truck after a motor tricycle crossed their path. The collision caused extensive damage to the vehicle, but remarkably, both the bride and groom emerged with only minor injuries.
Witnesses at the scene reported that the impact was significant, but there was a collective sense of relief when it became clear that the couple had survived. Despite the chaos and damage, their survival has turned the day into one of gratitude rather than tragedy.
The incident has attracted widespread attention on social media, where users have expressed their astonishment and relief that the couple made it through the ordeal.
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