In a heart-wrenching scene, parents of the young victims of the Nkawkaw school bus accident were seen crying uncontrollably during the funeral proceedings at Nkawkaw Adoagyiri Community Durbar Grounds. The tragic incident, which occurred on February 15th, claimed the lives of five pupils from Ampeah Memorial School and a teacher named Dorcas.
The accident unfolded when a District Chief Executive (DCE) car collided with the school vehicle on the road from Greater Accra Region to the Ashanti Region. Eyewitnesses described the aftermath as deeply sorrowful, with the full gravity of the situation sinking in as the dust settled.
Five (5) school pupils, aged between 3 and 12 years old, were mourned by devastated family members and sympathizers who gathered to pay their respects. The loss of these young lives has sent shockwaves through the community, leaving behind a profound sense of grief and disbelief.
As the final funeral rites took place, the raw emotions of the bereaved parents underscored the immense tragedy that has befallen Nkawkaw. The video footage capturing their anguish serves as a poignant reminder of the precious lives lost and the profound impact of this devastating accident on the tight-knit community.
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