Russia has been the thorn in the flesh of the entire country of Ukraine, invading it from the border towns.
Zelensky, once a comedian,has become the main front-liner of Ukraine’s resistance against Russia’s Vladimir Putin’s invading forces. But before he assumed position as the president of Ukraine, he was best known for playing a television role as an ordinary schoolteacher accidentally catapulted into power. The show, “Servant of the People,” ran for four years, making him a household name.
Mr. Zelensky was elected president in 2019, defeating the incumbent Petro Poroshenko by sharing the message to cleaning up corruption and securing better relations with Moscow. It is assumed that his role in the TV show, where he portrayed an ordinary man thrown into the presidency to clean up the country, motivated the people of Ukraine vote for him to become president. Even his political party was named after the show.
The 44-year-old man, since Feb. 24, has been unbelievably great before series of ammunitions, often dressing in ballistic vests as he urges people to press the fight during videos he posts to social media platforms from the center of Kyiv.
He has, at other moments, expressed with strong emotions to Western leaders to step up efforts to defeat the leader of Russia. Frustrated with the West’s unwillingness to intervene militarily, Mr. Zelensky has repeatedly pressed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to enforce a “no fly” zone over Ukraine, an idea NATO has said would put the alliance into a war with Russia.
Mr. Zelensky says he knows he is at the head of the Kremlin’s kill-or-capture list, but insists that neither he nor his family will leave as he tries to keep his battered country together.