Serial caller arrested for praying for by-election in Odotobri Constituency
A 40-year-old serial caller named Joseph Amoah, also known as Bashy, has revealed that he has been praying on live radio for the Odotobri Constituency to hold a by-election.
After receiving a complaint from the Ashanti Region’s Odotobri Constituency Member of Parliament, the Amansie Central District Police Command detained Bashy.
The residents of Odotobri Constituency were asked to pray to God by Bashy on Dompeace Radio because the area desperately needs development and that could only take place if there is a by-election.
He was then taken into custody by the police, released later, and told to appear at a particular time.
He said that his goal was never to kill the MP in an interview conducted following his release.
“I will never threaten to kill the Member of Parliament for Odotobri Constituency so I wonder why he (MP for Odotobri) told police to arrest me.
“If by-elections will bring development to Odotobri Constituency then I believe that Odotobri Constituency needs it because the lack of development in the constituency has affected the youth of the constituency.
“After the police granted me bail, they said I should report myself on Tuesday because MP went to Accra immediately the police arrested me so he will come back on Tuesday,” he revealed.
The facts surrounding the man’s detention were described by Ebenezer Boakye, the programs manager for Dompeace Radio, on AMBASSADOR TV.
“The Member of Parliament for Odotobri Constituency Emmanuel Akwasi Gyamfi ordered for the arrest of Bashy after he made a comment on radio that Odotobri Constituency needs a by-election for development”
“I went to the police station when I heard the news and I was told that the MP Emmanuel Akwasi Gyamfi has accused Bashy of threatening to kill him on Dompeace Radio Morning Show to pave the way for a by-election which wasn’t true” Ebenezer Boakye told Osei Kwadwo.
“I was ordered by the police to provide the audio of the comment made by Bashy so as a Programs Manager for Dompeace Radio, I have given the police the audio recording. Ambassador, I’m part of the Morning Show production team and we all know the ethics of journalism so my host will never allow someone to threaten the MP or anyone on live radio” he explained.
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