An ex-teacher has brought to attention in a survey that only an overly slim percentage of teachers globally are willing to remain teaching till the end of days.
The woman who “loved teaching and came from quite possibly the best school, team, and administrators” said despite the perfect team she had when teaching until last year, they all “didn’t matter” because teaching was not sustainable for her.
According to her, she posted on Instagram story with the question, “Who IS teaching sustainable for?”.
“I didn’t expect the response I got. Over the next few days, answers poured in from 110 teachers, each with a thoughtful and heartfelt explanation. Here’s what I learned:
Thirteen percent of the teachers I spoke to feel that they could keep teaching as a career. The remaining 87% anticipate a burnout in the next 3-5 years.” – the woman wrote as read by on the official Facebook page of ‘We Are Teachers’.
The teachers who want to opt out mentioned financial insecurity, lack of respect, unsupportive administrations, time consuming without deserving remuneration among others. On the other hand, the few who want to stay mentioned reduced workload in smaller schools, chance to work a second job and support from some administrators.
The question still stands, “who is teaching sustainable for?
Source: WeAreTeachers ( Facebook)