Life is full of uncertainties, they say, but it is always worth it when one has the right approach and mindset to it as days pass. Anyone who wishes to win sets targets for success. But the only obstacle is to fall to giving up because you find the processes tedious and unrealistic.
Whether self or career goals, one needs to focus and be strictly disciplined. These are seven ways to achieve your desired goals of life and be a threat to all competitors.
- Focus on your health — You are what you eat and drink so you need to make a conscious effort to eat right and drink enough water to hydrate your body. Eating balanced food is not enough — you need to select appropriate timing to eating too. Again, if you think exercising is too expensive, try obesity. You also need enough rest to zoom your body into ‘restart and ready for any task’ mood. If your body is fit and healthy, so will your mind be. If you feel fit, you can deal with stress much better.
- Do what you say you are going to do — Be honest to yourself and to every word you speak. People do not respect people who are all talk and no bite — full of big talks but lack action, power and substance. If your word is your bond, they will think twice about messing with you. Doing as you say is actually a brand that sells.
- Stop caring about what others say — A greater percentage of the people around you naturally become jealous when you take a positive step so shun them when they jealously chastise. They do not live your life so they are not entitled to judge you. When you are not bothered by what they munch on, they will get scared. Even when they criticize, reward yourself.
- Control how you react — Our emotions control what we think about, hence, our final decisions to action. They will provoke you! But if you allow people to trigger your emotions, you give them power over you. Choose wisely who you give this power to!
- Invest in yourself — They will never understand why you spend time on certain projects. They will find buying certain gadgets unreasonable. Invest in knowing a skill because Knowledge plus Skill is Power. Invest in yourself today and it will forever pay in the days ahead. If you are getting better everyday, no one will be able to touch you. That is how you can realise the nearest objectives to reaching long term goals: Rise up so high!
- Compete with yourself but not others — You were something yesterday, why don’t you beat your previous version? There is a slim chance of beating others at their own game. You can only compete with yesterday’s version of yourself. If you are better today, you have already won.
- Focus on building a legacy — You need to dream big, visualise success and prioritise important tasks. Although you need a break, do not waste time. While others gossip about irrelevant crap, build your legacy, make an impact on the world and focus on what matters most to you.