Drama has erupted in the household of renowned Nollywood actor, Mr. Ibu, as his wife, Stella Maris Okafor, and adopted daughter, Jasmine Chioma Okafor, engage in a public dispute over the handling of donations for Mr. Ibu’s medical treatment.
Taking to her Instagram page, Stella Maris vehemently refuted allegations that she is misusing funds meant for her husband’s surgery to finance a lavish lifestyle. Accusing Jasmine of spreading false information, Stella Maris portrayed her adopted daughter as a “complete stranger” and an “imposter,” questioning the motives behind her alleged interference in the household affairs.
The conflict escalated as Stella Maris asserted that Jasmine, whom she labeled an outsider, is surreptitiously controlling Mr. Ibu’s primary bank account. According to Stella Maris, the clash began when she sought transparency by requesting her husband’s financial statements, alarmed by what she perceived as questionable behavior, particularly on the part of Jasmine.
Stella Maris disclosed, “I only asked for transparency in the handling of public donations, instead of secrecy and hell was let loose. Till date, I have no idea about the status of that account. Very strange.”
This public feud follows Stella Maris’ previous revelation that Jasmine is not Mr. Ibu’s biological daughter, insinuating a romantic involvement between them. These claims were vehemently denied by Jasmine, as well as Mr. Ibu and his sons from a previous relationship.
As the dispute unfolds on social media, fans and followers of the popular actor are left bewildered, watching a family matter play out in the public eye, raising questions about financial transparency and familial relationships.